Origin Story
Imagine you find yourself wandering in a secluded spot. A cave, a distant mountain top, maybe a dusty attic on the opposite side of the world. Let’s say that while you are exploring in this remote and unfamiliar place you find a box. It could be peaking out of a hump of leaves at the top of a mountain trail, half-buried in the sand at low tide, or in a dark corner of that far-away attic. You look around to see if there might be an owner to this box, but there is no one. Closer inspection reveals that it has not been opened in quite some time. Maybe it has never been opened since it was first shut. The latch, which resembles no latch you have ever seen, is rusted. Upon lifting it, you discover it’s considerable heft and hear the objects inside shift with a soft metallic clink, clink. Long dried stories of buried treasure rehydrate themselves in your mind.
Already peering over your shoulder in anticipation of some unseen threat, you think it best to bring the box home where your privacy can be relied upon. Once there, a screwdriver is employed. The rusty latch comes away easily and nothing stands between you and the contents of the box except the lid, which you now notice is covered with writing engraved deep within the wood. Not only are the words unfamiliar but the letters are more like glyphs. The single bold line of unintelligible text runs nearly the length of the box, as if in warning. You are not unmoved, but you are not stopping. Perhaps you will find out later what the glyphs mean, but now you are opening the box.
The contents are immediately recognizable as jewelry, and your heart leaps up. The glint of metal is silver. Or is it? You spot something that might be gold and another metal, lustrous and dark, glowing from within. One might imagine sapphires, rubies, and emeralds; sparkling as if in a pirate’s tale, but not here. Your secret hoard contains colorful tableaus of swirled minerals set in dark metal, as if precious paintings rendered in stone whose value was determined by metrics other than carats or clarity. Larger pieces that might have been bracelets or arm bands feature detailed weaving in patterns that look to come from a complex tradition. There are a series of vessels in the box, hung from chains as if to be worn around the neck. They suggest a genie may appear, but none does. The longer you look at the collection, the more perplexed you are as to its origins. The items are in almost perfect condition, although some bear the light scuff marks of wearers long gone. The embellishment speaks not of any known culture or tradition, but an amalgam of curious craft traditions and mathematical themes that suggest a people about which you know nothing nor can make extrapolations about. It is neither modern nor ancient, eastern or western. Each relic you take from the box feels as though it might house the talisman of a great love story or a great curse. You could spend hours examining the striking details and puzzling motifs, but the elation of your find slips a little like a cloud crossing in front of the sun. You check to make sure that you are still alone.
Follow my journey as I uncover everything in the box.